Estas fotos estão entre as melhores que tiramos em toda a viagem: um Rolieiro-de-Peito-Lilás na Mlambane Road! Esta ave combina uma paleta impressionante de cores, não acham? Ela é largamente distribuída pela África Subsaariana e pelo sul da Península Arábica. A razão pela qual se coloca de modo tão conspicuo sobre árvores reside em que, deste ponto, ela pode visualizar seus alimentos, insetos, lagartos, escorpiões, caramujos, pequenas aves e roedores.
Lembro a vocês que, para ver as fotos maiores, basta clicar sobre elas.
These pictures are among the best we took in the whole trip: A Lilac-Breasted Roller in Mlambane Road! This bird combines an impressive palette of colours, don't you think? It is widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula. The reason why it perches so conspicuously at lie in the fact that from these points it can spot their food, insects, lizards, scorpions, snails, small birds and rodents.
Remember that to see the pictures in a larger format you just have to click on them.
Lembro a vocês que, para ver as fotos maiores, basta clicar sobre elas.
These pictures are among the best we took in the whole trip: A Lilac-Breasted Roller in Mlambane Road! This bird combines an impressive palette of colours, don't you think? It is widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula. The reason why it perches so conspicuously at lie in the fact that from these points it can spot their food, insects, lizards, scorpions, snails, small birds and rodents.
Remember that to see the pictures in a larger format you just have to click on them.
As cores dele são inspiradoras!